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Indications That You Need Air Conditioning Replacement

The average lifespan for an air conditioning system is 10-12 years, so it is likely that you will need to replace yours at some point. Replacing your air conditioner offers you the opportunity to install a system that is more energy efficient, better for the environment and can better meet your cooling needs. Atlantic Refrigeration has helped many customers in Dover with air conditioning replacement, and, as such, we know the signs of a failing system. Here are some more common ones of which to be aware:

  • Your home isn’t comfortable – do you have a hard time keeping your home cool, or are there hot and cold spots throughout? This could be the sign of an aging or incorrectly-sized system. In either case, your comfort is compromised, which negates having an air conditioner at all.
  • Your air conditioner is more than 10 years old – according to EnergyStar.gov, today’s air conditioners can be as much as 60% more efficient than ones from just 10 years ago. Part of the reason for this is that in 2006, federal guidelines mandated that the minimum SEER number be raised from 10 to 13. Considering you can save up to 5% per SEER point in energy costs, upgrading your system can lead to substantial savings.
  • You’re facing expensive repairs – if you are facing a repair that financially would cover a large part of the cost of a new system, it may be time to consider full replacement. 
  • Constant repairs – is your air conditioner constantly breaking down? Are you calling for air conditioning repair frequently because another problem has developed with your system? Repair costs can add up, and it may not make sense to keep paying for them on an aging unit.
  • You air conditioner uses R-22 (Freon) – R-22 is being phased out by the federal government; for now, if your AC uses with Freon, you can recharge it if needed, but prices on it are rising rapidly. Additionally, if your air conditioner uses Freon, you’ll have to replace the system by 2020 because Freon will no longer be available. As such, if you’re having continued problems with your R-22 refrigerant, you are probably paying more money for the repairs simply because it’s R-22. Both problems may make it worthwhile to replace now.

When It’s Time to Replace, Call an Expert

Choosing, sizing and installing a new air conditioner take into account many important factors, which is why it’s important to work with a trained professional from start to finish.

If it’s time for air conditioning replacement in your Dover home, call the people you can trust: Atlantic Refrigeration.

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