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When Is It Time to Replace Your Commercial Air Conditioning System?

It is difficult to run a business without a proper AC system in place to keep the people on your commercial property as comfortable as possible in the summer months. But when the weather outside is still chilly, it’s difficult to think about the state of your commercial air conditioning system. Replace your system as early on as possible, particularly if you experience any of the following problems on your property.

  • Frequent Repairs – Do you find that your unit needs repairs far too frequently? Are you sick of replacing a new component every time a technician visits your business? It may be time for an upgrade. The components of an air conditioner work best when every part inside is designed to work together. So when you put a newer part on an older unit, it still cannot operate efficiently and that newer part may simply wear out faster than it should. After a number of years, replacing the entire system is simply a better choice.
  • Short Cycling – Does your unit turn on frequently only to turn off very shortly afterwards? This is known as short cycling, and it affects systems with faulty compressors or units that are too large for the space they cool. With packaged rooftop air conditioning units, you may only need to have a technician remove a module to correct a sizing issue. In other cases, however, replacement is necessary, which is a much higher risk if the compressor suffers damage.
  • High Energy Bills – Of course, the energy bills are high enough as it is on a commercial property. But many business owners these days strive towards a more energy efficient workspace. If you are concerned about the environmental impact of your AC, or if you just want to pay less from month to month, consider replacing your unit with an energy efficient model.

Don’t wait until the cooling season is in full swing before calling your local technicians for new commercial specialists. Call an expert today, and keep in mind that it takes a commercial specialist to service a complex commercial unit.

Call the experts at Atlantic Refrigeration for commercial air conditioning installation or service in Dover, DE.

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