Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Common Signs That Point to a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Refrigerant is a perfectly safe chemical to have inside of your air conditioner—unless it starts to leak out of the refrigerant lines. Leaking refrigerant can pose major hazards for your home and your family, so if you suspect a leak, you need to schedule an appointment for AC repair in Sussex County, DE right away.

You can also keep reading to learn more about three signs that can indicate you have a refrigerant leak. Noticing one of the signs is serious, but having two or more of them makes it more likely that you do indeed have a refrigerant leak.

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How to Decide on AC Repair vs. AC Replacement

Monday, May 20th, 2024

There are times when air conditioning repairs make sense. Repairs can extend the lifespan of your air conditioner and boost energy efficiency. But eventually, your air conditioner will need to be replaced. The question is, how do you know when to invest in a replacement instead of repairs?

You can give our team a call and we can help you decide whether not it’s time for air conditioning installation in Sussex County, DE. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about repairing your central air conditioner versus replacing it with a brand new unit.

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Is 2024 the Year for an AC Replacement?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

If your air conditioner is getting older, it may be time to consider an AC replacement. But is 2024 your year for an upgrade, or do you still have some life left in your current unit? There are some signs that you can watch for that can indicate your air conditioner is reaching the end of its lifespan. 

You can keep reading to learn more about how long you can expect your air conditioner to last, and some indications that it is time for an upgrade. Then you can give our team a call to schedule your AC replacement in Sussex County, DE.

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Help! There’s Frost on My Air Conditioning Coils!

Monday, April 30th, 2018

frozen-ac-coilsAir conditioning season is coming, and when our summer heat waves hit, you need to be on guard for any problems with your system. Only trained professionals should attempt to diagnose (much less repair) an air conditioner. The system contains potentially dangerous chemicals, and without formal licensing any attempt at repairs could be unsafe.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to spot the signs that something is wrong, then call in a repair service to take care of it. Among the more subtle symptoms of trouble is the presence of frost or ice on the coils. At first, it doesn’t sound like a big issue. After all, isn’t the air conditioner supposed to be cold? In point of face, however, frost on your air conditioning coils is a sign that you need to turn off the system immediately and call in a repair service.

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Call Air Conditioning Repair Services for Refrigerant Problems

Monday, April 16th, 2018

air-conditioning-repairAir conditioners are far more than luxuries around here when summer temperatures rise and the weather gets hot. If your system breaks down, you may be tempted to attempt repairs on the system for yourself, perhaps in order to save a little money. This is a serious mistake. Air conditioners contain potentially dangerous chemicals like refrigerant, which requires formal training and licensing to handle safely. Indeed, refrigerant problems rank among the most common issues your air conditioner may face.

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Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance Before the Weather Gets Hot

Monday, March 19th, 2018

air-conditioning-repairSpring has arrived and summer won’t be too far behind. That means not only scorching temperatures, but high levels of humidity too. In that environment, you need a quality air conditioning system to keep your home cool and comfortable no matter how hot the weather gets. The last thing you need is a breakdown in the middle of the hottest day of the year, or monthly bills that are higher than they need to be.

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Spring Means Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, March 5th, 2018

air-conditioning-repairWe’re still officially in winter, but spring will be here before you know it, and with it comes an increased need for your air conditioning system. Soon enough, you’ll need to run it every day. The last thing you want is to run into a problem that requires a sudden repair call. No one wants to deal with an air conditioning breakdown in the middle of the hottest day of summer, and while our team can provide swift and effective AC repair services, we also believe that an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure. With winter coming to a close, you can help your cause out a great deal by scheduling an air conditioning maintenance session in the next few weeks.

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Repair or Replace Your Faulty Air Conditioning System?

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

air-conditioning-repairWe’ve come to the end of air conditioning season, as temperatures fall and heating system take over the responsibility of keeping your home comfortable. That makes now an excellent time to evaluate the state of an older air conditioner, especially if it needs repairs or is suffering from similar problems. With air conditioning no longer needed for several months, you can decide if your existing system can continue with a repair job, or if you need to talk about replacement.

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Preparing for Hurricanes and Storms

Monday, September 18th, 2017

HVAC-systems-prepare-stormWe’re in the midst of hurricane season here on the East Coast, and in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, homeowners are reminded of the devastation that inclement weather can bring. Even when the rainfall is less devastating than a full-bore hurricane, it can still affect your home’s system in ways you could never have anticipated. Proper preparation is key to handling heavy rains and flooding, particularly when it comes to key components in your home such as the heating and air conditioning system. Your HVAC system is vital to keeping your home safe and comfortable, and the more you can do to protect it from the weather, the better off you’ll be.

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HVAC Systems Come in Many Forms

Monday, September 4th, 2017

ductless-heater-air-condtionerMost of us are used to centralized air conditioners and forced-air furnaces in our home. They generate cool air or hot air in a single locale and then blow it through your home via a system of ducts. They’re efficient and inexpensive, but they’re not the only type of HVAC system out there, and depending on your home, an alternative model might be a batter fit for you. The autumn makes an excellent time to assess the state of your HVAC system. If it’s older and you don’t think it will last another year, now might be an excellent time to consider an alternative form of heating and/or cooling. We’ve provided a short list of alternative options below for you to peruse.

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