Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Duct Repair’

Leaky Ducts Can Cost You a Great Deal

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Indoor_Air_Quality_Filters_Duct_Cleaning_dreamstime_xl_31113411If you have a forced-air furnace in your home, you’re probably aware of the ducts used to transport the heated air from the furnace itself into the various rooms in your home. (The same ducts are used to convey cool air from your air conditioner in the summer.) They’re usually kept safe behind your walls, in your attic, or tucked away in similar spots. But problems can develop sometimes: leaks can spring up when bolts and seals break down, and in the worst cases, and actual breach can develop. That can be devastating during our cold winters here in Dover, DE, and leaky ducts need to be dealt with as quickly as possible when you spot them.

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