Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Ocean City’

Help, My AC Can’t Keep Up With the Heat!

Monday, August 1st, 2022

We’re in the middle of a severe heat wave in the Northeast of the US, with record-breaking temperatures and heat advisory warnings. This is a time when you’ll be glad to have a working central air conditioning system in your home. It can literally be a lifesaver.

Yet the extreme heat can also expose an air conditioner that can’t keep pace with demands. Is it just because the heatwave is more than the air conditioner was designed to take? That’s unlikely. If your AC was accurately sized for your house when it was installed (and we’ll talk more about that below), it should still manage a comfortable temperature indoors even with 100°F heat outside. It will need to run for longer to maintain comfort, but it should be capable of delivering.

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Helpful Tips for a Long-Lived Garbage Disposer

Monday, April 11th, 2022

If you’ve always had a garbage disposer in your kitchen, you likely can’t imagine handling cooking meals and cleaning up afterwards without it. It’s a great convenience for getting rid of food waste without needing composting buckets, and it helps the environment by keeping extra waste out of the landfills.

You can expect your garbage disposer to last for about 15 years if you know how to treat it right. How can you treat it right? We’re here to tell you in this post.

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4 Ways You Can Make Heating Repairs Less Expensive

Monday, January 17th, 2022

Here are four ways that you can make heating repairs less expensive for your home

1. Call as soon as there’s a problem

Once you begin to notice problems with your heater, contact a professional immediately. Ignoring the problem can cause it to get worse, which will eventually lead to an expensive repair. Minor issues, which are often ignored, will turn into bigger problems over time. Your wallet will thank you for it.

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Common Spring Problems for your Heat Pump

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Heat pumps have become increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional heating and air conditioning systems here in the Ocean City, MD area. They use the same principles as air conditioning – circulating refrigerant through a closed loop of valves and coils – to both heat and cool your home, helping you save money on monthly bills while combining all temperature controls into a single unit. This is the time of year when heat pump owners shift from heating to cooling mode, and as such you may run into a few common problems that we see a lot of this time of year. We’ve provided a short list of them below.

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Why You Need a Quality Commercial Thermostat

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

The thermostat is generally the only component of your commercial heating and air conditioning system that anybody in your building has to deal with in a hands-on manner. For the most part, your thermostat may seem fairly simple to operate. But if you don’t have a quality thermostat installed in your office, complex, or building, you may be spending more than you need to on monthly bills and forfeiting your chance at a more comfortable office environment.

A quality thermostat suits your needs but is also user-friendly so that everybody employed in your building or your residents can control it with ease. Talk to the knowledgeable team at Atlantic Refrigeration in order to find out which commercial thermostat will work best on your property in Ocean City.

Your Options for Commercial Thermostats

One of the most important considerations to make when selecting your new thermostat is energy usage. The thermostat communicates to the AC and heater when to turn on and off. Unfortunately, with an old-fashioned manual thermostat, you likely won’t always be able to tell if you’re one or two degrees off from the desired temperature. And a couple of degrees difference in a large commercial space will actually end up costing you a lot more money every month.

A digital thermostat is certainly an upgrade, as it has a clear display so you always know you’re at exactly the temperature you need it to be at. But furthermore, today’s digital thermostats are also programmable, so you can set them to turn on and off throughout the day as scheduled. This helps you to save energy and allows your employees to feel more comfortable in whatever area of the home they’re in.

You can even get a smart thermostat for your business with options that allow you to make sure you’re saving the most energy possible even while you’re away. Smart thermostats have advanced options that make it capable of essentially learning what temperatures you prefer even while you’re away. Simply download an app on your tablet or smartphone, and you can adjust the temperature, check up on energy usage and more.

Thermostat replacement is a job for a trained technician, as commercial properties tend to have complex zone control needs and is a complicated job.

Call the team at Atlantic Refrigeration to learn more about commercial thermostats in Ocean City.

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How Are Geothermal Systems Installed?

Monday, October 6th, 2014

Investing in a geothermal heating and cooling system is one of the best ways to save money every month. Geothermal systems rely on the steady temperature underneath the surface of the earth to reliably heat or cool your home. These systems often require few repairs, and may save homeowners hundreds on cooling and heating costs every year. In fact, the cost of installation may be offset very quickly through monthly savings and local incentives. But while cost is an important factor many homeowners take into consideration when choosing a new system, others are more worried about the installation process. Let’s take a look at how geothermal heating and cooling works, as well as how it is installed.

How It Works

Geothermal heating and cooling systems are also known as geothermal heat pumps. Many homeowners use air source heat pumps, which can also provide both heating and air conditioning. In the summer, air source heat pumps uses refrigerant to absorb heat from the air in your home and release it outdoors. In the summer, the process is reversed, as heat from the outdoor air is distributed into your home. A geothermal heat pump uses a similar process, except heat is absorbed from or released into the earth via a water and refrigerant solution. Because the temperature underground does not change, it’s a more reliable source of heating and cooling, particularly in areas with harsh winter climates.

How It Is Installed

Many homeowners are most concerned about the installation process. The two main components of a geothermal heating and cooling system are the heat pump and the loop field. The heat pump is the indoor component, while the loop field is a set of coiled tubes buried under the ground. The technician buries a set of coiled tubes in the earth, generally in one of two ways.

For many homes, vertical loop field installation is the norm because it requires less space. This requires drilling deep into the ground, so it may be a more costly process than the alternative, horizontal loop field installation. Horizontal loop fields require a lot of outdoor space for installation as long trenches are dug into your property. However, no drilling is required, which generally makes it less costly. In fact, geothermal installation offers some benefits; because these tubes are buried underground, they are not exposed to the elements, which may mean fewer repairs.

To schedule geothermal heating system installation in Ocean City, MD call the geothermal experts at Atlantic Refrigeration today!

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Why Install a Commercial Dehumidifier for Your Business?

Monday, September 15th, 2014

It’s important that your business space is comfortable, and this entails more than just the temperature. If the quality of your indoor air is lacking, it can affect you, your customers and your business. One of the ways indoor air quality can be compromised is with excess humidity. One of the best ways to help your air conditioner, your business and your customers is to improve your commercial indoor air quality in Ocean City, MD with a commercial dehumidifier. As with any upgrade to your system, it’s important to hire trained professionals for the work, and Atlantic Refrigeration has the trained and certified commercial technicians who can help improve your indoor air.

Reasons to Install a Commercial Dehumidifier

As we mentioned above, installing a dehumidifier to your commercial AC can help improve the indoor air quality in your business space, but there are several other reasons to consider installing a commercial dehumidifier:

  • Better health – mold, mildew, fungus and dust mites thrive at relative humidity levels above 60 percent. These types of micro-organisms can contribute to asthma attacks, allergy problems and other respiratory conditions, as well as damage to your products. The recommended humidity level for indoors is between 30 percent and 50 percent, levels a commercial dehumidifier can easily achieve.
  • Improved comfort – sometimes the dehumidifying function of your air conditioning system can’t keep up with demand. A commercial dehumidifier removes the excess moisture from the air before it can become part of your indoor air taking the extra load off your AC and allowing it to cool your business space as needed.
  • Energy savings – with a commercial dehumidifier, you don’t have to run the air conditioner more than necessary to cool things off; this helps save energy.

Don’t let your business space become uncomfortable due to excess humidity.

Call the professionals at Atlantic Refrigeration today and schedule an appointment with one of our experts to improve your commercial indoor air quality in Ocean City, MD.

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