Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Take These Steps with an Air Conditioning Emergency

Monday, June 6th, 2016

Lewes, DE can get plenty hot in the summertime, and the last thing you need is an air conditioner that suddenly breaks down just when the thermometer hits 100 degrees. No one can predict an air conditioning emergency, but when one comes, you need to move quickly. High heat can be a killer and without proper air conditioning, your home will soon feel like an oven. We’re proud to offer emergency air conditioning service anytime, day or night, but when an air conditioning emergency crops up, there are some substantial steps you can take to help move the process forward.

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What to Look for with AC Installation

Monday, May 30th, 2016

With summer on its way here in Dover, DE, many homeowners are replacing their old air conditioners with new ones. Now is the perfect time to do it, since it can spare you the high bills and inefficient operation of an older system whose race is run. But while you should always trust a professional with air conditioner installation — it requires permits and licensing, in addition to specific technical skills — there are things you can look for with a quality installation that can help you right the right service. Ask about these items with your technician, and make sure they’re on the agenda when the time comes to install your system:

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Beware of Low Refrigerant in Your Air Conditioning System

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Low refrigerant is a common problem in the early parts of cooling season, but with summer on its way here in Bridgeville, DE, it’s not a problem you can ignore. Low refrigerant creates a great deal of trouble for your air conditioning system, forcing it to work harder and costing you more in monthly bills as well as setting the stage for a more serious breakdown to follow. Refrigerant leaks can spring up at anytime, but when they appear over the winter they can go on for months before being detected. That’s why you should always check for leaking refrigerant at about this time of year. It will help protect your system in the long run.

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Get a Zone Control System Put In

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Summer is on its way here in Bridgeville, DE, and with it comes those depressingly high energy bills. You need to keep your house cool and comfortable – things get too hot and muggy around here to go without – but you shouldn’t have to pay and arm and a leg for the privilege. Now is the time to think about alternatives. It starts with simple steps like setting your thermostat to 78 degrees and dressing lightly while in the house. But it also can benefit from an upgrade to your air conditioner: something like a zone control system which can be put into your existing system by a trained professional. It can make a huge difference in your bills, while providing a number of other benefits as well.

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Why Is There Ice on My Air Conditioner?

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Temperatures are slowly warming up here in Milford, DE and while you’re likely not using your air conditioner every way, chances are you’re using it increasingly often these past few weeks. That makes this an excellent time to troubleshoot your system for any problems that could cause a breakdown later in the summer. That way, you can get them repaired before your air conditioner needs to be used every day, preventing a lot or consternation and heartache in the process. Among the things you should watch out for is the formation of ice on your air conditioner’s coils. It may not sound like much, but it’s actually a very big problem.

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3 Considerations When Replacing Your Commercial Air Conditioner

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Dover, DE is a business friendly city, and as such, we have a lot of commercial space that needs caring for. If you’re a business owner or an office manager, you know how important a good commercial air conditioning system can be, and when the time comes to replace yours, you want it to be put in the right way. The good news is that there are quality professional services standing by to help. But you can do yourself a favor by carefully considering your options when replacing your commercial air conditioner and understanding the factors involved. That way, you can be assured of choosing the right one for your space.

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Low Refrigerant Is a Problem for your Air Conditioner

Monday, March 14th, 2016

With spring slowly pushing away the cold winter temperatures, residents of Smyrna, DE are going to be dusting off their air conditioners for another summer of keeping their homes cool. But sitting for those winter months can leave your air conditioner vulnerable to some common problems, especially leaking refrigerant. Refrigerant isn’t consumed by your system; it needs to appear in certain set amounts, and if a leak springs up during the off-season, it could go for months without being detected. Why is that a problem? It helps to understand how refrigerant functions in your air conditioner.

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The Difference Between Efficiency and Saving Money

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Here in this blog, we often talk about efficiency: ways to improve it in your heating and air conditioning system, and features to look for that indicate a more efficient system. You may be surprised, however, if you buy an efficient device, only to find that your bills remain the same or even go up a little more. It’s quite common and with winter still raging here in Dover, DE, it can catch people by surprise. We’ve found that understanding the difference between efficiency and saving money can be very useful, not only in helping with your heating and air conditioning purchases but with your habits once a new system is installed.

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3 Upgrades for Your Air Conditioner This Fall

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Fall is officially here and that means your air conditioner will soon be taking a break for a few months while your heater takes over the duties of keeping your warm. That makes it the ideal time to consider changes and upgrades to your system to help it perform more effectively. Here in Dover, DE, there are a number of upgrades for your air conditioner you can consider this fall. They will help your system last longer and perform more efficiently, saving you money on monthly bills in the process. Here are three of them to consider.

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3 Ways to Reduce Your Cooling Bills this Summer

Monday, August 24th, 2015

We’ve hit the hottest part of the summer here in Dover, DE, and that means your air conditioner is going to be pushed to its limit keeping temperatures down every day. You’re probably used to paying higher monthly cooling bills in the summer, and to a certain extent, those bills are always going to be high. But with the aid of a trained technician, you can make some additions and improvements to your home to cut into those costs, while helping your air conditioner last longer before needing repairs. Here are 3 ways to reduce your cooling bills this summer.

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