Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Signs Your AC Has Trouble With Its Compressor

Monday, July 20th, 2020

The compressor is about as an important a component as there is in an air conditioner. All parts of an AC are important, but the compressor is what allows an air conditioner to cool. If your air conditioner’s compressor fails, the central cooling system will just turn into a big fan that circulates room-temperature air around the house.

Something else that makes the compressor vital is that it’s an expensive part to replace if it fails. In many cases, it’s more cost-effective to have the full air conditioning system replaced in case of a compressor failure rather than replace the compressor.

The best way to keep your AC’s compressor in good shape is to have the system regularly maintained. If you’re keeping up with regular maintenance, it’s still a smart idea to watch for any warning signs the compressor is having problems. That way you can schedule AC repair in Delaware in time to stop the compressor from burning out.

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Handling Thermostat Settings the Smart Way in the Heat

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Although there are many advanced types of thermostats available today, many equipped with special Wi-Fi technology and multiple settings, they still operate on a basic principle: raise the temperature setting for a warmer house, lower it for a cooler one.

But if you handle your thermostat during the summer as if it were something you keep changing as gets too cold and then too warm, you’ll end up consuming more energy than necessary and see larger electric bills. You’ll also put more stress on the components of your air conditioner, potentially shortening its service life and making it more likely you’ll have to call for air conditioning service in Dover, Delaware to fix it during the summer.

We’re going to give you a quick course on the smart way to set your thermostat during the summer heat so you’ll save money and give your AC a life-extending break.

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Things That May Go Wrong With a Neglected Air Conditioner

Monday, May 25th, 2020

We emphasize the importance of scheduling regular AC maintenance in Dover, DE each spring and early summer—it’s that important. And since the summer is rapidly closing in, we want to impress upon all our customers who haven’t yet arranged for their regular air conditioning service visit from our technicians to have it done as soon as possible. It’s simple when you join our Maintenance Agreement Club.

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Understanding When You Have an AC Emergency

Monday, May 11th, 2020

As the weather is getting warmer as we get nearer to summer, air conditioners are going to get to work—and some of them will start to not work. We offer 24/7 repair service for our customers when they have an emergency situation with their air conditioning systems. We know how vital a cooling system is for the comfort and safety of your family.

But people sometimes have questions about what constitutes a need for an emergency call. An air conditioner that won’t turn on at all certainly seems like an emergency. But maybe there is a simple explanation? Sometimes there is, and we want to help you understand better when you have an actual AC emergency on your hands and how to tell when there’s a simple troubleshooting step that will take care of the problem.

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Don’t Forget the “V” in Your HVAC System: Ventilation

Monday, April 27th, 2020

When homeowners think about their indoor comfort, they usually think of their heating and air conditioning: the “H” and “AC” in the acronym “HVAC.” They often forget about the “V” sandwiched in the middle, standing for “ventilation.” But that letter is in the acronym for a good reason—ventilation is essential for comfort in a home and for better indoor air quality. Problems with ductwork in the ventilation system can lead to poor heating/cooling distribution, humidity swings, dusty and polluted air, and a plunge in HVAC energy efficiency.

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March Is an Ideal Time for Pre-Season HVAC Maintenance

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

The weather conditions during March can go through extreme shifts, but it certainly isn’t a time when we can expect to start receiving steady warmer temperatures. But is the month when spring officially starts, and that means it’s also the first month when you should give serious consideration to your household HVAC in Delaware. The air conditioner in your HVAC system must have its regular pre-summer maintenance inspection and tune-up during spring, and arranging for the work in March is a great idea. Our technicians have more open schedule and can easily find a convenient appointment time.

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Dealing With an Upper Floor That’s Too Hot

Monday, September 30th, 2019

One problem that our experts in air conditioning services in Seaford, DE often handle for our customers is fixing uneven cooling in a home. It’s something of a marvel that modern air conditioning can provide even cooling in the first place when you consider the size of many homes, the difficulties of air circulation, and the many ways heat can enter different parts of a house. However, the technology of modern central air conditioners allows for a proper level of cooling and air balancing that can deliver the even spread of comfort homeowners want.

The uneven cooling problem we run into the most is the upper floor that’s warmer than the first floor. Heat rises, and this makes it easy for the second floor to become stuffy. Heat also enters through the sun on the roof, adding to the problem. There are other potential obstacles to a comfortably cooled-off second floor. We’ll take a look at what can be done to fix this problem.

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Your AC Has Limits! Know What It Can Do

Monday, September 16th, 2019

frozen-acHot weather continues through September and into October, and air conditioning systems that have put in work since the start of summer are now at a higher danger of a breakdown. Enough stress can accumulate on even the best-maintained AC to lead to a malfunction.

We want to help you avoid a late-season air conditioning repair in Delaware. Our technicians are ready to help you with 24/7 repairs whenever your AC begins to fail. (Never hesitate to call. Delaying air conditioning repairs because fall weather is coming soon is a poor plan that can lead to worse problems.) To help you take the pressure off your cooling system, we’re going to talk about the limitations of what your air conditioner can do. Pushing your AC over these limits is a fast way to have a broken AC.

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You May Still Need AC Help at the End of Summer

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

sunshineWhen the weather starts to cool down as summer comes to a close, the AC in your house will run less often. There will still be some hot days during September when the cooling system will need to put in extra work, but this is the air conditioning season homestretch.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you can ignore AC issues or that you won’t need to schedule air conditioning services in Dover, DE before the fall. Procrastination on repairs can lead to serious trouble, and there are other services you may want to schedule at this time of year. There’s never a wrong time to repair or make upgrades to your AC—moving earlier is always better than too late.

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Is a Ductless AC System Worth It?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

ductless-unit-in-roomWe are proud to work with the finest manufacturers of HVAC equipment. This is one of the ways to ensure we provide quality service to our customers. When it comes to ductless heating and cooling systems, we only install the best products from Mitsubishi, the leader in cutting-edge ductless mini split technology for homes.

If you’ve been thinking about installing a ductless air conditioning system for your house, we strongly recommend you speak to our professionals about a Mitsubishi system. But before you even reach that stage, you probably want to know if going with a ductless air conditioning system is even worth it. The answer, at least for many homes, is yes!

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